This may just blow your mind when you realize what most people don't understand about marketing their business opportunity. Being a part of many social networks has given me a front row seat to what NOT to do if you want to promote your business with any success. I see what I call the "Show up and throw up" approach far to much on the internet these days.
There's nothing quite like getting bombarded by dozens of eager new marketers promoting their new business opportunities without understanding the fundamental basis for business, TRUST. This simple but powerful concept makes all the difference in the world when it comes to promoting anything, especially a business opportunity.
Take a moment and ask yourself this question? Would you do business with a person you had no trust or rapport with? I'm sure you answered NO. I look at business partnerships like a marriage and your business opportunity marketing is very much like courtship (dating for you younger folk).
Now listen up closely because I'm going to give you the key to long term success in your building your business. Think of your business opportunity like inheriting a small fortune from a long lost cousin. Starting a date by sharing this information wouldn't be appropriate, would it? Of course not!
You'll find out that many greedy, self serving people may jump at the opportunity to get hitched based on your new inheritance. The problem is, these are not people you want to marry (or partner in business with) if you want any chance of having a lasting (profitable) relationship.
Here's your golden nugget for marketing your business with amazing success. Lead with the truth about you. Your values, interests, dreams and standards. These characteristics allow you to attract your prospect without any mention of your business opportunity.
Once they are attracted to you, you have control of the recruiting process and can determine if they are a fit for your business. Partnering based on anything beyond that attraction factor is a recipe for a failed business relationship. If you commit to using attraction marketing principles to head your business opportunity marketing efforts you will see massive results.
Learn the incredible power of the attraction marketing blueprint watch your business explode. It's almost like turning on a faucet and breaking the handle, you just can't stop the flow once it gets started. - 16738
There's nothing quite like getting bombarded by dozens of eager new marketers promoting their new business opportunities without understanding the fundamental basis for business, TRUST. This simple but powerful concept makes all the difference in the world when it comes to promoting anything, especially a business opportunity.
Take a moment and ask yourself this question? Would you do business with a person you had no trust or rapport with? I'm sure you answered NO. I look at business partnerships like a marriage and your business opportunity marketing is very much like courtship (dating for you younger folk).
Now listen up closely because I'm going to give you the key to long term success in your building your business. Think of your business opportunity like inheriting a small fortune from a long lost cousin. Starting a date by sharing this information wouldn't be appropriate, would it? Of course not!
You'll find out that many greedy, self serving people may jump at the opportunity to get hitched based on your new inheritance. The problem is, these are not people you want to marry (or partner in business with) if you want any chance of having a lasting (profitable) relationship.
Here's your golden nugget for marketing your business with amazing success. Lead with the truth about you. Your values, interests, dreams and standards. These characteristics allow you to attract your prospect without any mention of your business opportunity.
Once they are attracted to you, you have control of the recruiting process and can determine if they are a fit for your business. Partnering based on anything beyond that attraction factor is a recipe for a failed business relationship. If you commit to using attraction marketing principles to head your business opportunity marketing efforts you will see massive results.
Learn the incredible power of the attraction marketing blueprint watch your business explode. It's almost like turning on a faucet and breaking the handle, you just can't stop the flow once it gets started. - 16738
About the Author:
Kylon Trower is a home business enthusiast. His site at offers simple and proven income solutions for new home business seekers. Kylon's Free Video Report is jam packed with free tips for the new home business owner.