Monday, January 26, 2009

Article Submission Express vs Article Submitter Pro

By Brent Sweet

Article Submission Pro gloats that it submits to 150 directories for you. They also send your article out to a bunch of email subscribers who probably won't read it, let alone post it so it helps your SEO. Article Submission Express submits to 7000+ directories and ezines to quickly boost your SEO results.

Article Submitter Pro allows you to create and modify your article just like you can do in Microsoft Word. Article submission express does the exact same thing, and if you want to do it in a seperate application and then upload it to Article Submission Express then you can do that as well.

Article Submitter Pro allows you to grab an article off your website and submit it. Article Submission Express tells you this is a waste of time because that is just duplicate content which doesnt help.

Article Submission Pro is not big and bad because you can have unlimited bio boxes. The fact is Article Submission Express allows the same thing, and they take it a step further. They submit random resource boxes so that the search engines don't think it is the same article, because it is not.

With Article Submitter Pro you can store your login information to each of the directories saving you a little time. With Article Submission Express you don't even need logins to the article directories thus saving you a bunch of time.

You can select exactly which directories you want your article to go to manually with Article Submitter Pro. With Article Submission Express they select the directories that fit the topic of your article and submit to all of them.

Article Submitter Pro is an excellent tool to eat up the resources on your computer while you watch it submit your articles in real time. Article Submission Express doesn't even work on your computer so you never have to watch anything work.

You can stop yourself from submitting duplicate articles with Article Submitter Pro's spam filter. Article Submission Express will just not send duplicate articles to the same directory, nor will it send duplicate articles to different directories.

With Article Submitter Pro you get to register at all of their directories so the software can submit your article. Then you get to confirm your registration at each directory through email. With Article Submission Express, not only do they do the registration, they don't make you answer emails from the directories.

Article Submitter Pro will submit the same article over and over again to 150 directories so just one counts because of the duplicate content filter at Google. Article Submission Express submits a unique article to every single directory. - 16738

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