Friday, December 26, 2008

How Affiliates Make Money Online

By John Blanchard

A Lot of people have been looking for ways to make money online and the opportunities are endless!

Affiliate opportunities have been around for a real long time even before the Internet was invented,now with the Internet the affiliate opportunities have exploded,an affiliate program is probably the most common opportunity to help you make money online.

An affiliate program basically means you are affiliated with a program or company,most affiliate opportunity uses the matrix system,when a new member join your opportunity under your own referral ID they are placed in your down line this Is how you make money,not only you receive a commission for bringing in that new member but you also receive commission from the people they bring in and so on,matrix can be configure in many different ways the most common one would be the 7x7 matrix witch means your matrix goes on 7 levels deep.

You are assigned your very own affiliate website with your ID in it when you join any type of affiliate opportunity this is how they keep track of where a new member came from when they join your opportunity,so you see how easy it is to start making money online you don't even need your own website that is provided for you.

The cost to join an affiliate program range from very inexpensive to very expensive they will vary from a few dollars to thousands of dollars,from my personal experience I have always chose to join a program between $5 to $40 this way if the program does not work for me I am only out a few dollars not thousands.

Some affiliate programs charges a monthly membership fee and some there is only a onetime membership fee they tend to work allot better you will find it allot easier to recruit new members if they only have to pay once to remain a member of an affiliate program.

You will find that affiliate programs that charges you a onetime membership fee will work allot better for you,affiliate programs that charges a monthly fee are allot harder to make money with,when people get discourage or frustrated with a program they just give up and quit therefor not earning you money any longer,people will be allot more encourage to make an affiliate program work for them if there is a onetime membership fee,why would they quit it is not costing them anything to remain a member anymore,of course some will give up but you will find allot of them coming back a fourth to the program and trying one more and allot of them finally really start applying themselves.

I strongly recommend you to help your down line after all if they are making money so are you,the more people in your organisation the more money you are making,don't be afraid to ask for help from your up line,you will find most serious online money makers out there will be more than willing to assist you has it benefits them. - 16738

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